Take a Trip to Seussville

Working towards a goal can be very consuming. I think this is valid for any ambition, no matter if you are studying to attain a certain diploma, following a strict training plan to achieve an athletic goal, or building a company.

Of course, focus and knowing where you are going is indispensable to sustain the ups and downs and keep you going.

While I was researching for today’s quote, I stumbled upon the American author and cartoonist Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904 – 1991), better known as Dr Seuss, who was a great believer in the benefits of fun.

This reminded me that fun is a key ingredient of success. I am not just talking about having fun in our spare time but also taking pleasure in what we are doing for a living. If you ask me, the concept of «life-work-balance» is nonsense, as it implies that we don’t live while working.

In case you do have a dull moment, you might want to take a trip to Seussville.