Whenever you read about multi-tasking you will learn that it is more of a vice than a virtue.

What Is Multi-Tasking and When Is It Bad?

Multi-tasking came up in the computer world years ago. Real multi-tasking however, only works if a device possesses two processors (CPUs). Most computers only have one micro-processor. What they do is called multi-threading. This means they are working on one task at the time. Let’s say you were surfing the Internet and now you want to open your text programme. The CPU keeps the Internet alive (threading) while it takes care of the text programme. Threading requires a little bit of the CPU’s time.

It is quite similar to how the human brain works.

Of course, we can walk and discuss a problem with someone simultaneously. The reason is that these two activities occupy different areas in our brain.

Focus is about priorities. – BK

If you are trying to read and to talk to someone the situation is very different. Not only is it really rude but also none of it works. You don’t understand what you read, neither can you maintain a decent conversation.


The book The One Thing is basically all about focus, that according its author will take us beyond our wildest dreams. Moreover, he recommends to start small to end up really big.

Very small means that we have to concentrate on the ONE thing we want to achieve next. As a metaphor he (the author) uses the domino effect. When the first domino falls it touches the next and this one hits its neighbour etc. While the movement is very slow at the beginning it gains an incredible momentum towards the end of the «domino journey».


Google became powerful with one thing: data retrieval, which is what they are really best at. In 2008, J. K. Rowling said in her Commencement Speech she held at Harvard, that she became successful when she concentrated on the one thing that mattered to her. Writing novels. We know her most famous one: Harry Potter.

Ways to Scale your company by focusing

We already discussed on focusing on one product.

There are several ways to focus. You can focus on one sales channel, on one product or if this is not feasible one product category, one type of customer or one country or geographical area.

The advantages of focus

Let’s say you have one product and you focus on one customer type in a certain country or region. Automatically you put all your energy there, you know what the product has to look like, you get to know your customers really well and once you have a breakthrough, other clients will follow.

The need to focus

Actually, you must focus in order to use your resources efficiently.

Developing a product takes manpower, time and money.

If you try to optimise the first product, adding more products, building a reputation and serving every customer type in every part of the world, you will be overwhelmed and squander a lot of money and energy. The good news is, once you succeeded in one area you can invest in growth.

Will it be easy? Nope.
Will it be worth it? Absolutely. – BK