Not all quotes are wise. In some cases, their importance solely comes from the quoter’s personal fame.

Normally, quotes are BY a celebrity.
This time we have a quote ON one celebrity BY another.

A lot has been written about Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli (1455 – 1510), but for all I know there is not much (if anything at all) left, that has been said or written by the artist himself. His famous paintings of which many are in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence prove his existence and his genius. Examples are «Primavera» or «The Birth of Venus» which in my eyes are worth much more than any quote could ever by.

Famous Peter Ustinov (1921 – 2004) made a name for himself as an actor, a cosmopolite, a director and a writer. His interpretation of the Roman emperor Nero is as unforgettable as his performance as the famous Inspector Hercule Poirot. When he spoke people would listen.

Interpretation of today’s quote

We don’t have an interpretation of Peter Ustinov’s quote by the actor himself. Here are some of our thoughts instead.

Peter Ustinov

I think it is safe to say, that Botticelli put a lot of effort in the beauty of the faces and clothes of the people and characters he depicted. And, it is very probable that he and his art would be treated with even more attention than it was the case in Botticelli’s days.

If you bring fame, looks and attention you have good chances to make it to Vogue to end up even more famous.

No doubt, Botticelli is a league of his own and even the Vogue could not overlook him.