Corporate Design vs Corporate Identity

Corporate design is important. However, it is just a part of corporate identity. If you want your company to look professional – no matter how big or small it is – you need people that really engage in your business. Remember, after all we speak about YOUR brand.

This true story shows how important leadership is in order to

  1. Give your staff the feeling that they and their work matter to the company.
  2. Keep them updated on your company’s standards, rules and processes (not the stupid videos big corporates tend to apply) but real, professional training.

The Showcase

Some years ago, I stumbled over a job offer for a Head of E-Commerce of a marketing agency. Everything I could see about the corporate design was really amazing and very consistent. I was thrilled and of course highly interested. Since the job offer had been published some time ago, I wanted to find out if the position was still available and called this agency.

When Corporate Identity does not live up to Corporate Design

This company only has about 10 employees so I figured that people know what is going on.

  • The phone was answered by the person whose name was mentioned in the job ad. Before I could finish my phrase, the gentleman informed me that he was not in charge, did not know what was going on but I should call again since Mr X who knew about it was on the phone. Moreover, if I needed the information now I had to hurry up since Mr X was about to leave for his vacation.
  • Two hours later I called again and Mr X was somewhere else again. The first gentleman suggested I called again but I decided to ask my two questions by e-mail.
  • I sent a structured e-mail and within two hours I received an information that suggested the addressee had not even read my questions and had no intention to do so. Imagine you ask for the time and get the weather forecast.
  • I thanked him and also informed that I decided not to apply.
  • You won’t be surprised that the answer never came. Neither was I.

Live your brand values

Corporate identity is about behaviour and values. These are just three examples of how to live your brand values.

  1. If you are a professional you do not make someone call you again but ask the person if you can call back.
  2. If your company or team only comprises 10 people you know when your name appears in a job offer or at least know about the job. Otherwise – and that is what the first gentleman’s tone suggested – you don’t give a damn.
  3. If you receive an e-mail with two structured questions you answer accordingly. If not you either make it very clear that you are not interested in the questions at all or you make a fool of yourself. In the best case both.